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Daniel Henshaw vs Jennifer Killick

Writer's picture: Daniel HenshawDaniel Henshaw

Updated: Jul 22, 2020

Jennifer Killick is the author of some seriously funny books. Her Alex Sparrow series features two crime-fighting school kids, a rather clever goldfish called Bob and some some very smelly problems. Since releasing those books, she's also written Mo, Lottie and the Junkers and her awesome new novel, Crater Lake. If you've enjoyed reading my new book, Glenkilly, then I'm certain you'll love Crater Lake too!

This week, the Year 6 children at Annesley Primary School helped me to devise a list of tough questions to ask her and Jennifer answered them yesterday.

So, without further ado, let's begin...

Callum: When did you start writing stories?  

Jennifer: As soon as I could hold a pen. When I was about 5 or 6, I wrote my own stories and I made them into little books at school. Reading and writing are the things I've always loved doing.

Natasha: What's your favourite book that you have written?  

Jennifer: I get asked this question all the time and it's so hard to answer because you feel like you're betraying the books you don't choose. I am really proud of Crater Lake because it's something a bit different and I love the characters in it. So... maybe Crater Lake but I also love Alex Sparrow and the Zumbie Apocalypse because it is reeeally Christmassy, reeeally silly and there's a reeeally good bit about poo. So if you want something more poo-focused, Alex Sparrow. If you want the blood and horror, go for Crater Lake.

Harley: What is your best-selling book?

Jennifer: My best-selling book so far is actually Crater Lake, which is lovely because it's only been out a couple of months and it's doing really well, so fingers-crossed that carries on.

Amy-Jaye: Have you ever written a book and then hated it?

Jennifer: I've written loads of things that I read back and I think, 'Oh my goodness, that is horrendous, what was I even thinking?' There's one particular book that I wrote and I tried to do an older-teenage book with a love story and, when I read it back, it made me feel sick. It was so cringey! So yes, I write things often that I hate.

Danielle: Which was the most difficult book to write?  

Jennifer: Probably my first book because, firstly, I wasn't very experienced and I didn't really know what to do with it. And also I didn't have the help that I have now with a publisher. I rewrote it about fifteen times before it got a publisher, so that was definitely the hardest but it taught me so, so much.

Alexia: How long does it take to write a book?  

Jennifer: Different amounts of time. I'd say my average is about 6 months. I usually plan it for 2 or 3 months and I try to write the first draft in 4 to 6 weeks. Then I put it away for a few weeks. And then I go back to it and I edit. Editing normally takes another couple of months. A lot of time is spent in the planning... the thinking, the daydreaming. People might think that you are just lying down in bed and being lazy but actually you're planning and writing. It's very important.

Molly: What was your inspiration for Crater Lake?

Jennifer: When my eldest son was in Year 6 and they had so much ahead of them they were going to be leaving, they were going to Secondary school and they had so much history behind them... and it's just such a lovely, special moment in everybody's life so I wanted to write a book about a group of children at that moment.

I also wanted to write a scary book and you have to think about what scares you... and I love sleeping. The thought of not being able to go to sleep horrifies me. So I thought that would be interesting to weave that into a story about a residential, where children often stay up a bit too late. Well, what if they had to stay up late? What if they couldn't go to sleep?

Lara: Do you like horror films?

Jennifer: I do but I'm pathetic. I get so, so scared! I'm the first person to scream, to jump. And I will have nightmares... maybe for months. So... I love them but I'm really pathetic.

Shaylen: What inspires you for your stories?

Jennifer: From all over the place. I get inspiration from my (five) children and they're all very different, they're all mad in different ways! And there are so many weird, brilliant things in the universe that you can get inspiration from. I watch science documentaries... about space and the natural world. I also take inspiration from everyday things. Holes in the floor... is something down there? Markings on the wall... has someone left a secret code?

Cyrah-Leigh: Why did you choose to write children's books? Have you thought about writing adult books?

Jennifer: I actually started writing children's books by accident. I actually wanted to write really tragic women's fiction, full of heartache and death and despair and sobbing. But then at University, we had to try out different styles of writing and one week we had to try writing a children's story... and I loved it. It was so much fun and it was (by far) the best thing I'd written. And now I think, 'Why would I want to write anything else?' I get to go to schools and meet my readers. Writing for children is the best!

Amy-Jaye: Do you do your own illustrations?

Jennifer: No. I am not blessed in the drawing department. The Alex Sparrow books were illustrated by Heath McKenzie. I love what he does with them! The Crater Lake cover was designed by Anne Glen, who is amazing! So talented. Gareth Conway did the cover for Mo, Lottie and the Junkers.

Caelen: How do you come up with book titles?

Jennifer: Sometimes I know the title before I've written the story, like Alex Sparrow and the Zumbie Apocalypse. Crater Lake was quite easy too. But sometimes it's hard and I have to do some that lying-down-thinking where I also close my eyes.

Cyrah-Leigh: Where do you like to write?

Jennifer: At home. I just sit on my sofa with some snacks and drinks. I just sit there in comfortable clothing. Slippers are good, pyjamas are good. Comfy, sofa, snacks.

Amy-Jaye: Are you writing a book right now?

Jennifer: Yes, I'm writing Crater Lake 2. Nearly finished the first draft so then I just have to edit it to make it less terrible.

Molly: Have you ever written a book that's not been published?

Jennifer: Lots. I still write stories that don't turn out right.

Amy-Jaye: Do you write on holiday?

Jennifer: I hardly ever go on holiday! I sometimes get a weekend and I don't write. I do use holidays as a way of finding inspiration for stories but I don't actually sit and write. Holidays are for eating too much, having a nice drink, doing fun things and strolling around.

Connor: What have you been doing during lockdown?

Jennifer: My youngest son is only 5 so we do lots of his school work, we bake lots of cakes, we do lots of crafts, we read loads and loads and loads of books. And I walk my dogs. I've really loved being at home with my family. It's been such a special time.

Matilda: Do you enjoy theatre? What is your favourite play?

Jennifer: I haven't been to the theatre for a very long time. I do really love Shakespeare and my favourite play is King Lear. It's a really powerful play. I also like to go and see Les Miserables because of the songs and... I always cry.

Alexia: Do you have a pet hedgehog?

Jennifer: I would love to have a pet hedgehog but unfortunately I don't. I do work with a hedgehog rescue centre and I get to visit them a lot. They have lots of hedgehogs that are ill or injured or orphaned, so I get to go and see them and I get to hold them. They actually named a hoglet, Jennifer, after me, which is the best thing that happened in my life!

Jayden: Do you play Fortnite? Have you got any skins?

Jennifer: I have played Fortnite quite a few times. I just have the basic skins. I don't have anything special. The best I ever did in a 'solo'... I came 2nd. I was really proud of that. But I just hide in bushes. I know that's not very cool but it worked quite well.

Ellie: What car do you have?

Jennifer: I don't have a car at the moment. My last car was a gorgeous cream Mini that I loved but I had to sell it because we moved house.

Cory: Do you prefer dogs or cats? Why?

Jennifer: I have three cats and two dogs. So, overall, I think I prefer dogs.

Miss Geeson: Who is your favourite Disney character?

Jennifer: Stitch. I love him. When I went to Disney Land Paris, I waited ages to meet Stitch. And he kept kissing me and kissing me.

Mr Brown: Would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?

Jennifer: I like the idea of a horse-sized duck that I can tame. Then I can ride it and we'd be best buddies and we'd ride around and swim on the river.

The Big Quiz:  Daniel Henshaw vs Jennifer Killick!!!

Two children's authors. Three tricky questions. Who will come out on top?

Question 1: Jennifer's second book, Alex Sparrow and the Furry Fury, features a hedgehog. What is the fastest recorded speed of a hedgehog?

Jennifer:  I have no idea. They're faster than people think. At their top speed? 10kmph (which is 6.2mph)

Daniel:  6mph

Correct Answer:  12mph

Who was closest?  Jennifer Killick (by 0.2 mph)

Question 2: Jennifer's Alex Sparrow books feature a very smart goldfish called Bob. According to a study by Plymouth University, what is the actual length of a goldfish's memory?

Jennifer:  Obviously, Bob in Alex Sparrow can remember everything. I'm going to say... two weeks?

Daniel:  24 hours?

Correct Answer:  Three months

Who was closest?  Jennifer Killick

Question 3: What is the average number of crisps in a packet of Walkers?

Jennifer:  25, including the ones with black bits on that you don't want

Daniel:  22

Correct Answer:  24

Who was closest?  Jennifer Killick

And the winner is...  Jennifer Killick! 3-0!

Many thanks to Jennifer Killick for taking the time to answer our questions.  

Jennifer Killick is the author of 5 books, including the Alex Sparrow series and her latest novel Crater Lake!

Keep up to date with Jennifer on her website or on Twitter @Jennifer Killick.

Thanks for reading. My name is Daniel Henshaw and I'm the author of four books, including The Great Snail Robbery and my humorous new spook-fest, Glenkilly.  

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